BlazBlue Central Fiction Used BlazBlue Central Fiction Used for PlayStation 4

BlazBlue Central Fiction Used launch date Released on Tue, Nov 01, 16 BlazBlue Central Fiction Used genre is Fighting Fighting game. BlazBlue Central Fiction Used required age is 12 Suitable for 12+ Years. BlazBlue Central Fiction Used gameplay time is 11 Approx. 11 Hours of Game Play. BlazBlue Central Fiction Used players are 12 player 1 Player. is BlazBlue Central Fiction Used requires internet? -For Online Multiplayer Only Play it offline, But Internet Connection Required for online gaming. does BlazBlue Central Fiction Used requires a PS Plus subscription? -For Online Multiplayer PS Plus Subscription is needed for online multiplayer modes only, You still can play it offline in certain modes.
Sale price100 EGP
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استعدوا لذروة القتال - هذا هو الفصل الأخير والأكثر قسوة حتى الآن ، مع المزيد من المراحل والتحركات والمزيد من الشخصيات أكثر من أي وقت مضى. سواء كنت خبيرًا محترفًا أو قادمًا جديدًا تريد تجربة وضع لاعب واحد ضخم ، هناك شيء واحد مؤكد ، هذه هي تجربة قتال الأنيمي المطلقة! 

Brace yourselves for the pinnacle of fighting action - this is final and most hard-hitting chapter to date, with more stages, more moves and more characters than ever before. Whether you're a hardcore veteran, or a newcomer wanting to experience the HUGE single player mode, one thing is for certain, this is the ULTIMATE anime fighting experience! 

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