Days Gone Days Gone for PlayStation 4 Days Gone for PlayStation 4

Days Gone launch date Released on Fri, Apr 26, 19 Days Gone genre is Action-Adventure Action-Adventure game. Days Gone required age is 18 Suitable for 18+ Years. Days Gone gameplay time is More Than 30 Approx. More Than 30 Hours of Game Play. Days Gone players are 18 player 1 Player. is Days Gone requires internet? -No You can play it offline, No internet required.
Sale price590 EGP
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"نحن من يصنع العالم الذي نعيش فيه ، لذا يجب علينا أن نعرف ما الخطأ الذي ارتكبناه وكيف سنعمل على حله"
وباء ينتشر في الولايات المتحدة في جعل الامور تخرج عن السيطرة ليتحول بها الي الي ما يعرف ب (الممزقين) ، يظهر سائق الدراجات (ديكن سانت جونز) الذي يحاول النجاة مع صديقه (بوزر) بعد وفاة زوجته (سارة) و اثناء مغامرته وسط عالم الممزقين و محاربة طائفة (ارقد في سلام) و صراعات معسكرات الناجين يعثر علي دليل علي ان زوجته مازالت علي قيد الحياة ليبدا رحلة البحث عنها وسط كل هذه الفوضى بمساعدة صديقه و اخرين يريدون النجاة ايضا.
حصرية بلايستيشن الممتازة التي تعد من افضل الالعاب الدرامية والمثيرة والموسيقى الداخلية ستجعلك تعيش داخل اللعبة و تشعر برغبتك في النجاة.

"We are the ones who make the world we live in, so we must know what we have done wrong and how we will work to solve it."
A pandemic is spreading in the United States to get things out of control to turn them into what are known as "Rippers", in which a biker (Deacon St. John) is trying to survive with his friend (Boozer) after the death of his wife (Sarah) and during his adventure in a world Torn apart, sectarianism (rest in peace), and camp survivors' struggles, clues are found in his wife who are still alive to begin the journey of searching for them amid all this chaos with the help of his friend and others who want to survive as well.
Exclusive PlayStation Exclusive (Days Gone), which is one of the best dramatic and exciting games and Soundtracks will make you live in the game and feel your desire to survive.

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