Dead Rising 4: Frank's Big Package Used Dead Rising 4: Frank's Big Package Used for PlayStation 4

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Dead Rising 4: Frank's Big Package Used launch date Released on Mon, Dec 04, 17 Dead Rising 4: Frank's Big Package Used genre is Action-Adventure Action-Adventure game. Dead Rising 4: Frank's Big Package Used required age is 18 Suitable for 18+ Years. Dead Rising 4: Frank's Big Package Used players are 18 player 1 Player. is Dead Rising 4: Frank's Big Package Used requires internet? -For Online Multiplayer Only Play it offline, But Internet Connection Required for online gaming. does Dead Rising 4: Frank's Big Package Used requires a PS Plus subscription? -For Online Multiplayer PS Plus Subscription is needed for online multiplayer modes only, You still can play it offline in certain modes.
CD Condition: Medium
Sale price300 EGP
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لا يمكن استبدال ذلك المنتج من خلال فروعنا، ولكن يمكن استبداله عن طريق قنوات التواصل الأونلاين وداخل محافظة الاسكندرية فقط

يعود المصور الصحفي فرانك ويست بعد 16 عاما. يسعى فرانك ، وهو رجل عادي يجد نفسه في مواقف استثنائية ، إلى كشف الحقيقة وراء مؤامرة حكومية مسؤولة عن تفشي المرض. مع عمل مكثف ومستوى لا مثيل له من تخصيص الأسلحة والشخصية

Photojournalist Frank West returns 16 years after . An ordinary guy that finds himself in extraordinary situations, Frank seeks to uncover the truth behind a government conspiracy responsible for the outbreak. With intense action and an unmatched level of weapon and character customization

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