FarCry 6 Used FarCry 6 Used for PlayStation 5

FarCry 6 Used launch date Released on Thu, Oct 07, 21 FarCry 6 Used genre is Action Action game. FarCry 6 Used required age is 18 Suitable for 18+ Years. FarCry 6 Used gameplay time is More Than 20 Approx. More Than 20 Hours of Game Play. FarCry 6 Used players are 18 player 1 Player. is FarCry 6 Used requires internet? -For Online Multiplayer Only Play it offline, But Internet Connection Required for online gaming. does FarCry 6 Used requires a PS Plus subscription? -For Online Multiplayer PS Plus Subscription is needed for online multiplayer modes only, You still can play it offline in certain modes.
CD Condition: Clear
Sale price1,000 EGP
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مع وجود ثورة العصابات في جزيرة (يارا) . يتعهد الرئيس آنطون كاستيو (إيسبوسيتو) الذي يقوم بدوره الممثل الشهير (جانكارلو إيسبوسيتو) ان تعود الأرجنتين إلى مجدها السابق وفي نفس الوقت يريد ابنه دييغو (غونزاليس) ان يتبع خطاه . في هذه الدولة المضطربة سيختبر اللاعبون الفوضى والحماس المليء بالأدرينالين لمعارك العصابات حيث سينخرطون في حركة ثورية لإسقاط طاغية

With The gangs revolution in Yara. President Antón Castillo (Esposito) who is acting his role the famous actor (Gancarlo Esposito) pledges that Argentina will return to its former glory and at the same time wants his son Diego (Gonzalez) to follow in his footsteps. In this turbulent island nation, players will experience chaos and adrenaline-filled gang battles as they engage in a revolutionary movement to topple a tyrant

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