Ghost Giants VR Ghost Giants VR for PlayStation 4 Ghost Giants VR for PlayStation 4

Ghost Giants VR launch date Released on Tue, Apr 16, 19 Ghost Giants VR genre is Adventure Adventure game. Ghost Giants VR required age is 7 Suitable for 7+ Years. Ghost Giants VR gameplay time is <5 Approx. <5 Hours of Game Play. Ghost Giants VR players are 7 player 1 Player. is Ghost Giants VR requires internet? -No You can play it offline, No internet required.
Sale price490 EGP
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قصة لغز في الواقع الافتراضي حول محاولة الحفاظ على الحياة معًا بمساعدة صغيرة من صديق كبير جدًا ، أنت الحامي للصبي الصغير الوحيد ، وتستكشف عالمه وتستخدم حجمك لمساعدته وحل الألغاز والتحديات المختلفة التي يواجهها لويس في حياته.
(تتطلب نظارات الواقع الافتراضي)

Puzzle story in VR about trying to keep life together with a little help from a very big friend , you are the protector of the lonely little boy, you explore his world and use your size to help him and Solve puzzles and various challenges that Louis faces in his life.
Require VR Glasses

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