Hunt: Showdown Hunt: Showdown for PlayStation 4

Hunt: Showdown launch date Released on Thu, Feb 22, 18 Hunt: Showdown genre is Shooter Shooter game. Hunt: Showdown required age is 18 Suitable for 18+ Years. Hunt: Showdown gameplay time is More Than 40 Approx. More Than 40 Hours of Game Play. Hunt: Showdown players are 18 player 1 Player. is Hunt: Showdown requires internet? -For Online Multiplayer Only Play it offline, But Internet Connection Required for online gaming. does Hunt: Showdown requires a PS Plus subscription? -For Online Multiplayer PS Plus Subscription is needed for online multiplayer modes only, You still can play it offline in certain modes.
Sale price890 EGP
Request Hunt: Showdown


لقد اجتاحت المخلوقات عالمنا ، وستكون أجسادها هي مكافأتك في صائد جوائز من منظور الشخص الأول قائم على المطابقة المتوترة من صانعي الأزمات. أنت وشريكك أعضاء في جمعية صيد سرية تتعقب وتقتل المخلوقات. الجوائز عالية ، ولكن المخاطر كذلك. أصغر خطأ سيكلفك كل شيء - مكافأتك ، ومعداتك ، وحياتك ، وروحك. يبحث البعض عن الثروة ، والبعض الآخر عن السلطة. البعض يصطاد لحماية الآخرين ، والبعض يبحث عن المجد.

Creatures have overrun our world, and their flesh will be your bounty in a tense match-based, first-person bounty hunter from the makers of crisis. You and your partner are members of a secret hunting society that tracks and kills creatures. The Bounties are high, but so are the risks. The smallest mistake will cost you everything-your bounty, your gear, your life, and your very soul. Some hunt for wealth, some for power. Some hunt to protect others, and some hunt for glory. 

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