Resident Evil 3 Used Resident Evil 3 Used for PlayStation 4

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Resident Evil 3 Used launch date Released on Fri, Apr 03, 20 Resident Evil 3 Used genre is Action-Adventure Action-Adventure game. Resident Evil 3 Used required age is 17 Suitable for 17+ Years. Resident Evil 3 Used gameplay time is 10 Approx. 10 Hours of Game Play. Resident Evil 3 Used players are 17 player 1 Player. is Resident Evil 3 Used requires internet? -For Online Multiplayer Only Play it offline, But Internet Connection Required for online gaming. does Resident Evil 3 Used requires a PS Plus subscription? -For Online Multiplayer PS Plus Subscription is needed for online multiplayer modes only, You still can play it offline in certain modes.
CD Condition: Medium
Sale price450 EGP
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Raccoon City is witnessing the escape of Jill Valentine from a biological weapon that seeks to eliminate her and her group in an attempt to reveal the truth of a conspiracy caused by a global pharmaceutical company

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