Sherlock Holmes: The Devil's Daughter Sherlock Holmes: The Devil's Daughter for PlayStation 4

Sherlock Holmes: The Devil's Daughter launch date Released on Fri, Jun 10, 16 Sherlock Holmes: The Devil's Daughter genre is Action-Adventure Action-Adventure game. Sherlock Holmes: The Devil's Daughter required age is 16 Suitable for 16+ Years. Sherlock Holmes: The Devil's Daughter gameplay time is 10 Approx. 10 Hours of Game Play. Sherlock Holmes: The Devil's Daughter players are 16 player 1 Player. is Sherlock Holmes: The Devil's Daughter requires internet? -No You can play it offline, No internet required.
Sale price590 EGP
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لندن ، القرن التاسع عشر. مات موريارتي ، لكن إرثه المظلم لا يزال قائماً. للمغامرة المثيرة التي سوف تتحدى سيد العقل كما لم يحدث من قبل ، حاول كشف الحقيقة وأنت تخفي سرًا فظيعًا عن ابنتك بالتبني. أثناء حل أربع حالات تبدو غير مرتبطة ، ستنتهي قصة هولمز في أعظم مشاكله على الإطلاق ، والتي تنطوي على أكثر القضايا المحبوبة له وأعداءه في مطاردة مميتة للحقيقة.

London, 19th century. Moriarty is dead, but his dark legacy lives on. for the thrilling adventure that will challenge the master sleuth as never before, try to uncover the truth as you hide a terrible secret from your adopted daughter. While solving four seemingly unlinked cases, Holmes' story will culminate in his greatest-ever problem, involving his most beloved ones and his worst enemies in a deadly chase for the truth.

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