Wasteland 2: Director's Cut

Wasteland 2: Director's Cut launch date Released on Sat, Aug 01, 15 Wasteland 2: Director's Cut genre is Action Action game. Wasteland 2: Director's Cut required age is 17 Suitable for 17+ Years. Wasteland 2: Director's Cut gameplay time is More Than 40 Approx. More Than 40 Hours of Game Play. Wasteland 2: Director's Cut players are 17 player 1 Player. is Wasteland 2: Director's Cut requires internet? -No You can play it offline, No internet required.
Sale price190 EGP
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لا ترغب في العثور على مفتاح الباب؟ اختر القفل ، أو قم بضربه بحذاءك ، أو قم بتفجيره بقاذفة صواريخ.
قصة تفاعلية ضخمة: مع وجود مئات الخيارات والعواقب تحت تصرفك ، والتفاعل قصير الأمد وطويل الأمد مع اختيارات اللاعب ، و 80-100 ساعة من اللعب ، لن يتمتع أي لاعبين بنفس التجربة.

Don't feel like finding the key for a door? Pick the lock, bash it down with your boot, or blow it open with a rocket launcher.
A Huge Reactive Story: With hundreds of choices and consequences at your disposal, short- and long-term reactivity to the player's choices, and 80-100 hours of gameplay, no two players will have the same experience.

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