Lego Harry potter collection Lego Harry potter collection for PlayStation 4

Lego Harry potter collection launch date Released on Tue, Oct 18, 16 Lego Harry potter collection genre is Adventure Adventure game. Lego Harry potter collection required age is 7 Suitable for 7+ Years. Lego Harry potter collection gameplay time is More Than 25 Approx. More Than 25 Hours of Game Play. Lego Harry potter collection players are 7 player 2 Player. is Lego Harry potter collection requires internet? -No You can play it offline, No internet required.
Sale price1,090 EGP
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التركيز على جمع واستكشاف وحل الألغاز و نظرًا لوجود العديد من التعويذات في اللعبة ، يمكن للاعب استخدام عجلة الإملاء لتحديد التعويذة. صناعة الجرعات هي ميزة أخرى متكاملة. يمكن أن تساعد الجرعات اللاعب على إكمال المستويات ، أو إذا تم إنشاؤها بشكل غير صحيح ، فإن لها آثارًا جانبية سلبية مثل تحويل اللاعب إلى ضفدع.

an emphasis on collecting, exploring, and solving puzzles. Casting spells is an integral part of the gameplay, with a wide range of spells available for unlocking as the player progresses. As there are many spells available in the game, the player can use the spell wheel to select the spell. Potion-making is another integral feature; potions can help the player complete levels or, if created incorrectly, have adverse side effects such as turning the player into a frog.

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